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Course Program & Schedule
Hip and Knee IEP Fellows and Young Surgeons' Course
May 16-18, 2025 - Presenters and times are subject to change

Friday,  May 16, 2025

11:30 AM - 4:30 PM Cadaver Labs with Industry​


Symposium Begins

4:40 PM - 5:00 PM Registration


5:00 PM - 5:55 PM Cocktail Reception 


5:55 PM - 6:00 PM Welcome Remarks 


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM The Grass is Always Greener 


7:00 PM - 7:20 PM 5 Tips to Avoid Financial Revision | Vestia Personal Wealth Advisors. 


7:20 PM                        General Session Adjourns

8:00 PM Educational Dinner with Zimmer Biomet - Exclusive to Fellows and Young Surgeons


Saturday, May 17, 2025

6:30 AM - 7:20 AM Breakfast


7:20 AM                        Welcome Remarks


Succeeding in the Orthopedic World

7:20 AM - 7:40 AM  Common Mistakes Made by Junior Partners; How to Succeed as
                                            a Junior Partner 


7:40 AM - 7:50 AM  Traveling Fellowships Can Catapult Your Trajectory 


7:50 AM - 8:00 AM  Hip & Knee Society. History, What They Do, How it Works


Know Your Value

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM  How Do Orthopedics Generate Money for the Hospital


8:30 AM - 8:45 AM  Private Practice Realities. Hospital Ownership, Ancillaries like
                                            PT, MRI, DME, Real Estate 


8:45 AM - 9:00 AM  ASC Finances and Return on Investment 


9:00 AM - 9:30 AM  Willing to Walk: Why a Different Job Was the Right Move



9:30 AM - 9:40 AM  Coffee Break 


9:40 AM - 10:40 AM Industry Breakout Session 


General Session Continues- Clinical I:

10:45 AM - 10:55 AM  Everything I Do to Prevent Infection 


10:55 AM - 11:10 AM  Point-Counterpoint: Kinematic TKA 


11:10 AM - 11:30 AM  Revision TKA: Removal of Well-Fixed Stems, Cones, and Sleeves 


11:30 AM - 11:45 AM  Dealing with Extensor Mechanism Treatment 


11:45 AM - 11:55 PM  Signs, Symptoms, & Lesions not to Miss â€‹â€‹


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM     Educational Lunch


Clinical II:

1:00 PM - 1:15 PM  Remember Cement in THA 


1:15 PM - 1:30 PM  Acetabular Bone Loss Management  


1:30 PM - 1:45 PM  Outpatient Revision TJA, Special Considerations 


1:45 PM - 2:05 PM  The Flight of the Spaceship Arthroplasty: Clinical Principles
                                            Affecting the Take-Off and Landing 


2:05 PM - 2:25 PM  Innovations in Arthroplasty| Patella First Knee Reconstruction and AR 


2:25 PM - 3:25 PM  Industry Breakout Session II


3:25 PM - 3:35 PM  Coffee Break


3:35 PM - 5:30 PM  Round Table Case Presentations


5:30 PM                         Course Adjourns


6:00 PM - 7:15PM   Cocktail Reception


8:30 PM                         Faculty Dinner with Premier and Foundation Level Sponsors

                     Invite only




Sunday, May 18, 2025


6:30 AM - 7:45 AM  Breakfast


Symposium Begins

7:45 AM - 8:00 AM  Staying Out of Legal Trouble 


8:00 AM - 8:15 AM  Billing Like It's Your Job 


8:15 AM - 8:30 AM  Mock Part 2 Board Review 


8:30 AM - 9:00 AM  If Only I Had Known This as a Fellow

                                            Faculty Panel


9:00 AM - 9:30 AM  Attendee Case Presentations


9:30 AM - 9:45 AM  Big Problems Have Big Solutions: Limb Salvage and Implants
                                            You Should Know About 


9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Self Care, Preventing Burn-Out and Priorities 


10:05 AM                       Final Wrap and Adjourn 

                                             Andrew Wolpe, President/COO, Magnifi Group

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